www.worldfertilityday.com #WorldFertilityDay #ttctribe #jointheglobalconversation
Fertility: It’s About People and Our Future
On November 2 2018, join us to celebrate the first annual World Fertility Day!
World Fertility Day is an initiative founded by IVFbabble.com and Babble Giving and to be celebrated by individuals and organizations around the world that aims to raise awareness for the 48.5 million couples living with fertility issues and infertility worldwide, to advocate for the resources and to inspire everyone experiencing this across countries and cultures.
World Fertility Day is about education, empowerment and understanding.
The day will highlight the importance of breaking the silence and taboo that has existed for too long, to realize that we are not alone, to stop living in isolation, to break barriers across cultures, to empower people with fertility knowledge to enable informed decisions to be made on the route to parenthood.
Join #ttc breakfasts, lunches, dinners and drinks around the world and celebrate World Fertility Day by supporting each other and sharing experiences that empower people who reach across political and cultural boundaries in meaningful ways. Joining together is powerful.
Join us this World Fertility Day and take action to end the silence. Learn more at www.worldfertilityday.com
- The answer to fertility is knowledge. Join us on November 2nd to celebrate #WorldFertilityDay by empowering individuals around the globe to join the fight against the silence, cultural barriers and to empower people with knowledge! www.worldfertilityday.com
- On November 2nd, we are stepping up to raise awareness for all those across the globe who have experienced infertility, for those going through fertility issues and for all those experts and all those takng action to break the unnecessary stigma associated with fertility issues. #WorldFertilityDay www.worldfertilityday.com
- The emotional heartache of people living in isolation, no one to talk to is tortuous. The key to ending this chronic taboo #WorldFertilityDay, join us and empower people around the globe to be part of the #ttctribe. Let’s join together.
- After steadily declining for the past decades, fertility issues are on the rise due to a change in our lifestyles, nutrition, work lives and so much more. But fertility treatments are helping to alleviate and offer the chance of parenthood. We can find new ways to build inclusive, cohesive and resilient fertility communities. Join us this #WorldFertilityDay www.worldfertilityday.com
Experts sharing their knowledge
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Calls to Action
- The answer to #fertility is people. For #WorldFertilityDay, celebrate the people sharing their stories and experiences with those in your community and across the world. Share your stories with the tag #breakthesilenceoffertility
- Same sex couples couldn’t have the route to parenthood without fertility treatment. Who in your life is making a difference to build a world of equal opportunity? Is it you?! Let us know with the tag #PeopleEndingFertilityJudgement
- Cultural obstacles caused by fertility
Additional Links and Resources
- World Fertility Day website: http://worldfertilityday.org/
- World Fertility Day Twitter: https://twitter.com/………..
- Videos
- World Fertility Programme: Women, Men, Same Sex, Single, Illnesses affecting fertility, preservation.
For more information about participating in World Fertility Day, please contact TJ or Sara at [email protected]